The Peril of Magnificent Love
Author Bradley Trevor Greive walked into a rare book shop in Sydney, Australia, two years ago and felt like he was looking back in time. There before him was a creative force as raw, strong and straightforward as BTG was when trying to launch his eventual hit THE BLUE DAY BOOK. Her name was Emma Magenta.
Magenta is the author-illustrator of THE PERIL OF MAGNIFICENT LOVE, the first in a series. The book introduces readers to the emotional world of a young girl who seeks love with a three-eared bunny and pursues a course to win him. Much to her chagrin, the girl discovers love’s path is fraught with illusion and strewn with disappointment. Nevertheless, the young heroine overcomes her disillusions and finds new possibilities and strength in the lessons she has learned.
Magenta illustrates her seemingly simple tale with naive red, black and white drawings that are filled with detail and emotion. Her keen, mischievous eye delves deeply and honestly into remote corners of the human heart. This artistic skill and the quirky text befriend readers on every page.
THE PERIL OF MAGNIFICENT LOVE’s emotional adventure is an empowering experience for women of all ages. The book speaks to an even broader audience through its reflection of innocent dreams, sometimes-hard reality and discerning hope for the future.